Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Wish List!

Ok, I am loving all things BCBG. The shoes, bags, and even a smart phone case are on my want list:) What's on your list!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Naturally Pretty in Atlanta!

I attended my first Natural Hair event last night. I missed the World Natural Hair Show and Fro Fashion Week, so this was a must see event for me. Naturally Pretty was hosted by Mae of and MiMi J of They did a terrific job hosting and turnout was great. Check out their websites when you can.

I was one of the first one hundred guests to RSVP, so I received one of those fabulous red MissJessies gift bags with full size products(we'll get to those later)! I also had a one one consultation with professional make up artist, Alexandra Butler ( She showed me how to work the cat eye look. I will definitely be recreating this look for Fall. It was a treat to see all the ladies rocking their Natural Hair in so many fabulous styles. I was truly inspired to get more creative. In addition to the gift bag, I purchased products from Darcy's Botanicals and Camille Rose Naturals. Look for my upcoming product reviews!

Me? Blogging?

I was asked asked if I was blogging last night while attending my first Natural Hair event. My response was, " what would I talk about?" Well, a little late night brainstorming, and here I am! What the curl is a play on my niece's saying " what the world" when she was little. We are both navigating the newly natural world, and I wanted to share our experiences and all the fun girly things we love. Stay tuned!